Talk: Intro to Computer Security

Slides from the talk I gave to Santa Barbara High School students: »

Data Double Standard

Great point made in this Hacker News comment: Corporations will abuse your personal integrity whenever they get a chance, while abiding the law. Corporations will cry »

"Mankind's Greatest Achievement" by Nikola Tesla

"Mankind's Greatest Achievement" by Nikola Tesla: When a child is born its sense-organs are brought in contact with the outer world. The waves of sound, heat »

Don't Use

Don't buy/rent servers from Why? Several reasons: The way they set up automatic backups is clearly a scheme to nickel and dime you »

Political Change via Strategic Voting

A friend of mine asked how I "would respond to people who say that [voting 3rd party] makes you politically irrelevant." I do have a response »

Face it: Hillary Clinton is Terrible

A Trump presidency would be a disaster. Obviously. But I am disturbed by how many people I talk to on the left (where I am) who »

Black Lives Matter Surveillance

Black Lives Matter activists are under surveillance from various parts of the government. Excerpt from an ACLU petition to stop said surveillance: By trolling Facebook, Twitter »


Good things that have happened in the world: 2016.05.19: Marxist economist Richard Wolff made this amazing video about how class works in the US »

ProtonMail: Quick Review

I just signed up for ProtonMail to try it out. Here are my first impressions. [EDIT: I was pretty harsh in this review, but I now »

They're Watching You

On March 13, 2016 I gave a talk and workshop in Santa Barbara, called "They're Watching You: Anti-surveillance Workshop for Activists and Journalists", hosted by Bonfire »


Hi! I'm Steve Phillips: techno-activist, computer programmer, and philosopher. I love ambitious people, democratizing forces, and revolutionary projects. One of my most impressive accomplishments listed here »


From -- The United States government spends more on social welfare programs per capita than »


Why is surveillance dangerous? From this Amnesty International blog post: Amnesty reports on human rights violations worldwide. Our researches rely on confidential sources – witnesses and victims »


How to learn Go Great resources: Concurrency example: https »


Recommended Encryption Tools Here's a PDF of recommended privacy/encryption tools that I update as new tools come out (last updated: December 2017) -- https://tryingtobeawesome »


"Every man is guilty of all the good he did not do." --Voltaire You should demand high moral standards of yourself. In theory, the reason we »


The encrypted messaging platform, Telegram, is terrible security-wise, despite advertising itself as being secure; don't use it. Use Signal instead (for iPhone/iOS and Android.) Why »


This will certainly become an eclectic list, but here's a list of patterns/moves/ideas that can be applied to various situations. (And yes, that sounds »

Barrett Brown

Important insights and comedic brilliance from Barrett Brown: Lately I’ve been getting garbled reports of hoverboards, as well as some sort of new fascist movement »


CrypTag: Encrypted, Taggable, Searchable Cloud Storage The Vision Goal #1: to enable every internet user to securely access all their data from all their devices without »

LetsEncrypt on Nginx

To generate a valid SSL certificate via LetsEncrypt that could be used by Nginx to host this (Ghost) blog, I ran: git clone »

Paris Attacks

Read this VERY important interview with two NSA whistleblowers about a program one of them created at the NSA, called ThinThread, that the NSA didn't want »


Hi! I'm Steven Phillips: techno-activist, computer programmer, and philosopher. I love ambitious people, democratizing forces, and revolutionary projects. Intro The two life accomplishments I'm most proud »


Why does privacy matter? The most common thing people say when asked about privacy is, "I don't have anything to hide." The way I see it »


First of all, if you can avoid using Skype, do so, as it has been backdoored by Microsoft for the NSA and is no longer secure »